August 7, 2009

Hoisety, not talkig about Hospitality

This is absolutely NOT a food-related article, but I want to introduce some ridiculousness of Japanese Culture...

Women were chatting in a Locker room at gym,

"I had an interview last Friday. I couldn't believe that she was wearing long-sleeved jacket, and pantyhose! It was 100F on Friday, but she wore pantyhose!!"

"Really? Your work has very strict dress code?"

"Yeah, but no one in our office wear pantyhose. "

I was just hearing the chat curiously, but I couldn't stop to cut in.

"Well, pantyhose is required in general office work in Japan, even there's much muggier than here."

Women were like jaw-dropping and all said "Really?!?"

"Yeah, it's really."

I had no doubt to wear pantyhose for any "official" and formal occasion. No office worker goes to work without pantyhose unless her office allows casual wear to work. Even humidity is over 70% during the summer in Tokyo, women never hesitate to put their pantyhose on before they leave home.
Everything is completely different.
I was so surprised when I saw a woman who wore
black mini dress with spaghetti strap and stiletto (yep, of course, with bare foot) for funeral. That's absolutely no-no in Japan but still okay in here...That was the moment I realize my common sense doesn't work in United States.

One of our best customer, who's working for company called Gunze, one of the most biggest intimate distributor in Japan, was sighing deeply over the sales of pantyhose in NY is not like in Japan.
I understand why. They (maybe) tend to hate to wear those, especially in this season.
I've never seen the one that is designed for this climate here. It always looks so shiny, tight, unnatural...uh, that's probably the pantyhose should be, but I never get tired to raise my voice...ahem... "if you want flattering look but can't deal with this uncomfortableness, buy Japanese. You may experience a totally new world of pantyhose - dry, breathable, natural but stunning look."

If I had millions of dollar, I'll definitely open Pantyhose Shoppe on Madison Avenue. No kidding.